Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Did I Order It?

“Did I Order It?”

Lent 2010 – Day 13; Wednesday, March 3.

Deshi Ramadhani, SJ

Have you ever tried a new menu in a new restaurant? Not knowing exactly what to order, I usually look at the picture. Of course, they know how to present good pictures that can make the food look good and so appealing. When the waitress comes, and put the plate in front of me, many times I ask “Did I order it?”

I have heard many times people complain “My life was better before becoming a Christian!” Don’t they know, what they have ordered? If Christianity is like a meal package, whatever you pick, be sure you’re ready to accept the complimentary side dish for free. That is, the cross! Cross is not an exception. It comes with the package.

The clearest sign that you’re on the right track is when you suffer because you do what is really “good,” not what “feels good”!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just sharing my thought & opinion on the subject.

Romo, I would think that the cross as the main course & the happy moments are the (complementary) side dish. Unfortunately we consume more of the side dish than the main course.

Today people prefer a 'happy' religion than a 'suffering' religion. People want to be served but not serving. To be looked after but not looking after. 'Instant saint' rather than 'dying martyr', going straight to the blessing without walking the way of the cross. How many of us want to remain as sheep & don't want to become the shepherd? That's exactly the opposite of what Jesus said today.

Have a blessed day mo-shi