Friday, March 5, 2010

There's Something

“There’s Something”

Lent 2010 – Day 15; Friday, March 5.

Deshi Ramadhani, SJ

This happens many times. You eat and you don’t realize that there is something left just outside your mouth. Everything seems to be normal. Then the person you eat with lets you know. You’re embarrassed and with your fingers try to clean it, not knowing exactly where, until the other person says: “It’s fine now.”

I need someone to point out my mistakes to me. The moment when someone honestly tells me about something stupid that I’m not aware of doing, is actually the moment of exceptional grace. Many times sin is an expression of stupidity. That’s why it can convince us that everything is just fine, while in fact it isn’t.

We act stupidly sometimes out of jealousy. Sin of stupidity is more serious than sin of jealousy itself. Ironically, when you’re jealous, you’re sure that you’re not stupid.

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