Friday, March 19, 2010

The Loud Silence

“The Loud Silence”

Lent 2010 – Day 27; Friday, March 19.

Deshi Ramadhani, SJ

It is said: “Actions speak louder than words.” When you practice what you preach, people will notice, and the power of words will take effect. I thank God that I’m gifted in dealing with words. This, however, scares me. What if the beautiful words I arrange actually come from my mind? I’m afraid that I can only write, but never do what I write.

Ever count how many words come across your mind in a single day? We can’t think without words. Even if we are silent, words keep flying aggressively in our mind. Wordless silence is hard to achieve. Centuries ago, a man called Adam, was silent. Out of this silence, sins evade. Centuries later, a man called Joseph, was silent too. Out of this silence, blessings flow.

Silence can become loud, since it tells clearly the origin of various words in my mind. This loud silence is the best training camp to choose right.

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